2 YEARS AGO...........
I bought a package of canvases. My husband was threatening to throw them out, if I didn't do something with them! So.... I was at Faithful Scrapper and Amy mentioned she was going to do something fun with a canvas, so I brought my canvas up the next day at lunch! I started by painting the entire canvas a dark brown, then I stenciled on a cute design with gold metallic paint. We used her Cricut to cut out the letters of my last name and est. 2010-our anniversary year. So I Modge Podged the letters on! I wanted to add a little more detail, so I hot glued lace onto the bottom of my canvas! The last thing I did was use these flowers that Jennifer Sloane at Live.Teach.Create cut out with her cricut. She used pages from an old book! We sprayed the flowers down with *Glimmer Mist* then let them dry. After the flowers dried, I crumbled them up, and then un-crumbled and layered 3 on top of each other, gluing one on top of the next..... then embellished the center with a button and glued them in place! It was such a fun project, that I could not wait to start the next one............(see below)!!!!!

*here's an up close pic of the flowers! Aren't they adorable!
This is the next canvas I made.......... the next day!
I think I'm addicted.......
This is our little cousin Brianna! She just turned 9 and this was her birthday present!
I think she loved it......
*up close pic of the flowers! These were made of scrapbook paper! Oh, I love them!
Thanks for checking out my canvas art!